Sunday, October 25, 2009
Camporee Fun
-Princess Peach
Monday, October 19, 2009
Huntsville Times
-Princess Peach
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pumpkin Patch

Monday, September 28, 2009
Where did September go?
Princess Peach started working on a new song for her violin. Greensleeves! I remember playing that when I was a little musician.. ahh, the memories. Anyway, we started studying it today and hope to play for Daddy soon.
So what have we been doing? We've been spending a LOT of time in the kitchen and having fun with new foods. We decided as a family to move away from the traditional American fare and search for healthier options. They picked out a recipe for granola bars, which we made into bite size treats! Super yummy!

Princess Peach read an article today about President Barack Obama addressing children and we set our very own goals for this year. Princess Peach will study for her spelling tests and work on her listening skills.
She has developed an amazing interest in all things science and we are planning to sign up for the Science Olympiad this year!
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Friday, September 11, 2009
Kool-Aid Play-Doh
Princess Peach helped measure the ingredients for the recipe. We doubled the recipe, added the ingredients to the pan, gave it a little heat and a few quick stirs to get it all together...
Spoon it from the pan onto wax paper, knead it a little, let the kiddos give it a few good squishes...
Then put it in an airtight container to cool for a little bit in the fridge...And finally when done, it's time to mold the dough! Whee!
Here is today's recipe:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup salt
3 TBS oil
1 package of Koolaid (use the color of your choice)
Mix all ingredients together and cook over medium heat for a few minutes until dough forms the consistency you want. Remove from heat and cool. Keep in airtight container, refrigerate until used.
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Our milk still goes MOO
We drove from our home in the Mushroom Kingdom to the countryside and found the cute, little farm. There is a shop, some animals and the cows are in the back. The farm is the same farm we buy our milk from at the Farmer's Market, so the kids were familiar with the milk.
Say cheese! The kiddos started off at the cheese squishing station. Princess Peach was given a small bag full of crumbly cheese, then a pinch of sugar was added in and the -squishing- began. Luigi did not say a single word until his entire bag of cheese had been devoured. I'll assume it was yummy because not one of them shared with Mommy.

Then it was off to the milk station. They decorated labels for their very own pint of milk, then we watched through a glass window while she put the milk in each one. Mario downed his within a minute, Luigi took a little longer and Princess Peach saved hers to take home.

"Shake, Shake, Shake, SHAKE YOUR BUTTER!" The kiddos were given little jars filled with cream and told to shake (and shake and shake and shake and shake) for five minutes until the cream separated into butter! Princess Peach shook hers up like a pro and we ended up with three little baggies of fresh, soft butter. We put it in the fridge to harden up and will sample it with dinner tonight.

And before we left for our home in the Mushroom Kingdom, we stopped to say hi to the cows. Do you know the cows your milk comes from? We do!

-Princess Peach's Mommy
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The end of summer
Princess Peach is doing great with schoolwork. We start the day with violin theory, then we practice (and practice and practice) on violin and for choir. Princess Peach has been playing violin for two years now and still misses her Romanian teacher we had in Germany. Now that she has the basics down, I'm teaching her here at home. We love to go to the local symphony, too!

We study English next and are still finishing up with a review. Reading is one of Princess Peach's favorite hobbies and she has many books. She finished reading My Teacher Is An Alien by Bruce Coville last week.
Then we are on to Math! This is Princess Peach's least favorite subject, but she does well with it. We're finishing multiplication this week and beginning a study in division soon. She loves math games and likes to play Sudoku, too.
Social Studies this year is going to be packed with exciting studies! Princess Peach is taking a class on Medieval Histories and we're studying early U.S. History here at home. She is also working through maps and geography and will do U.S. States and Presidents next semester. She loves history.
We're beginning Spanish and thankfully we know a little ourselves! We've learned numbers through 100, colors, shapes, etc. Next we're going over the basic parts of speech. Princess Peach has a passion for languages and has learned some sign language and German, too.
Art. Princess Peach would happily sit at the table all day and do artwork. We are learning about famous artists and will be replicating "Van Gogh's Bedroom" this week. We'll be studying Vincent Van Gogh with help from library books and the Metropolitan Museum of Art site.
Princess Peach and the kitchen. The kitchen and Princess Peach. They are like Peanut Butter & Jelly. Milk & Cookies. You get the idea. We do so much together in the kitchen, so our study on Home Economics has been an absolute joy for both of us. She is learning kitchen basics, preparing meals, planning menus, and will learn about other aspects of running a household. She is taking up a sewing class, too, and already has plans to make her first pillow.

P.E. we are very sneaky at. We go to the park a lot, swimming, bowling, for long walks with Koko (our little terrier mix), to the soccer field. We get it in where we can. We have a Wii that Princess Peach looooves to play. She does really well at yoga and likes to do a lot of the balance games. She also has been doing a lot of jump rope this past week, too.
We are using a nice little Bible curriculum called Studying God's Word and are starting on Book E. This is an in depth study on each book of the Old Testament (excluding a few). We hope to finish Book E and F this semester and start up on Book G for 5th grade. Princess Peach also has a fun devotional book God & Me for Girls 6-9. It is a short lesson followed by an activity. We also are in an AWANA club and Princess Peach is working through her T&T Girls book and doing AMAZING at memorizing her verses. We are so proud of her!
Science is another favorite of Princess Peach. We finished up dinosaurs and are studying animals, life cycles, etc. She is also taking an astronomy class! She especially loves doing experiments.
Princess Peach does technology and should be blogging again soon. She's also having fun playing JumpStart for 4th-6th grade. We'll be learning how to compose e-mail later this week.
Girl Scouts started up a few weeks back and Princess Peach is in an awesome troop with five other scouts. We went bowling this week and are back to learning all about Girl Scouts next week so we can have an Investiture and Rededication ceremony in a few weeks. Time flies by SO fast with Girl Scouts!

Princess Peach's little brothers Mario and Luigi started preschool this month and LOVE their curriculum. They are doing a unit study on apples. Princess Peach has a lot of fun helping out with them and gets to be crafty with me as we cut, color, and paste projects with the boys! She is a wonderful helper.

-Princess Peach's Mommy
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Pets

Let's have eggs for breakfast

Princess Peach mixed together the rinsed pinto beans with the green salsa. This is the base mixture for the recipe, which we later baked in the oven with a sprinkle of cheese.

Princess Peach thinly slicing the scallions. She's quite handy with a knife! We chopped up scallions, romaine lettuce and fresh cilantro.

ACTIVE TIME: 30 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes
1 1/2 cups very thinly sliced romaine lettuce
1 scallion, sliced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
3 teaspoons canola oil, divided
2 teaspoons lime juice
1/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper, divided
1 15-ounce can pinto beans, rinsed
1/2 cup prepared green salsa
8 6-inch corn tortillas
Canola oil cooking spray
3/4 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
4 large eggs
1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Combine lettuce, scallion, cilantro, 1 teaspoon oil, lime juice, 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper in a bowl; set aside. Combine beans and salsa in another bowl.
3. Coat both sides of each tortilla with cooking spray. Place tortillas on a large baking sheet in 4 sets of overlapping pairs. (Each pair should overlap by about 3 inches.) Spread about 1/3 cup of the bean mixture on top of each pair of tortillas and sprinkle with 3 tablespoons cheese each. Bake until the beans are hot and the cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Crack each egg into a small bowl and slip them one at a time into the pan, taking care not to break the yolks. Season the eggs with the remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook undisturbed for 5 to 7 minutes for soft-set yolks. (For hard-set yolks, cover the pan after 5 minutes and continue cooking until the yolks are cooked through, 4 to 6 minutes more.)5. To assemble, place an egg on top of each pair of tortillas and top with a generous 1/4 cup of the lettuce mixture.
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What we did on our summer vacation
Here are some of our favorites:

Princess Peach and Mario at our church Luau

Princess Peach swinging at the park

Princess Peach loves soccer

Princess Peach learning about fossils on a guided hike

Swimming lessons

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles for Princess Peach, Mario and Luigi

Riding a carousel at the zoo

Princess Peach feeding a lorikeet
And finally, Princess Peach's birthday celebration at a wonderful Thai restaurant! Mmm mmm, indeed!
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Ohhh.. in the Strike Zone!
Princess Peach, Mario and Luigi all loaded into the minivan for some spontaneous BOWLING action. We sneakily call this P.E. which I am sure it is, but the kids didn't know that. Hehe.

Princess Peach's little brother, Mario

Princess Peach's little brother, Luigi

Princess Peach
Daddy was even able to join us for the second half of the game! My little bowlers had such an awesome, fun time! We are planning more trips to the Bowling Alley this month and next, so I am sure she'll be bowling 100 soon! Oh, and for the record it was: Luigi with the win at 79, Mario in at 69 and Princess Peach with 61 (without bumpers). Super kiddos!
Mario giving the bowling ball a huge push!
Luigi's "Happy Dance"

Princess Peach... Raar!
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Soap or Candle?
She made this beautiful, heart shaped bar of soap and scented it with peppermint!
Meanwhile, I took her little brothers (yes, you guessed it) Mario and Luigi out for some half off slushes at Sonic. What a nice way to end another day.
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Tornado Art
This week, our art focus was on the powerful, destructive tornado. Princess Peach used wax crayon, chalk, pencil, and the ever important cotton balls and craft paper to make these beautiful works of art.

These masterpieces are gracing my fridge now. Family members may apply for the artwork on loans ;)
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Best. Cookie. Ever.
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup flaked coconut
Directions: In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well. Beat in oats and coconut. Roll into 1-in. balls. Place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets; flatten slightly. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove to wire racks. Yield: 5 dozen.
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Scientific Method
Today we checked out the Moon Walk over at Scholastic News. Princess Peach wrote a nice "letter" home from the perspective of an astronaut about her moon landing. She also invented a new type of sandwich today while writing in her journal:
Ice Cream
Graham Crackers
Take the ice cream and M&Ms and stir in a bowl. Take ingredients and lay graham crackers flat. Scoop ice cream on one. Put top on.
Sounds yummy! Princess Peach can't wait to get into the kitchen when we work on our home economics. She loves baking and cooking ;)
Our plans last night included a baseball game, but the ever lovely weather rained out the game before it ever started. Here's Princess Peach enjoying a game earlier this summer:
The team will be back in town next week, so we will try again then! Princess Peach loves baseball and going to games.
-Princess Peach's Mommy
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Back to School
Language Arts
Music (including violin and choir)
Social Studies (including Medieval History)
Home Economics
Wow, yes. That is a mouthful. Some are daily lessons, others are once weekly. Princess Peach is going to be keeping busy with her daily homeschooling, Girl Scouts, Choir and AWANAs, Chess Club, and a once monthly, hands on science lesson at the local museum. We are in a co-op through our cover school and have a weekly class or field trip through the MWR at the SAS.
Princess Peach learned about Fireflies today on Scholastic News, started reading James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl and drew an awesome tornado scene from one of our favorite art websites, Art Attack. I think she would rather not mention the spelling or math we did, but it is at least done!
-Princess Peach's Mommy