It's been awhile since our last update, but Princess Peach is doing awesome. She has finished fourth grade with the exception of a few math lessons!
She's super excited about this summer and we've planned two trips this year! Our first will take us to the beautiful Tybee Island in Georgia! Everyone is looking forward to sandcastles, dolphins, and warm Atlantic waters! Princess Peach applied for a camp put on by the military and we will know next month if she made it or not. If not, we plan to go visit our wonderful family in New Mexico. Picture deserts and cactus. Yes, there.
I love planning out Princess Peach's homeschooling, and this year is no different. We're going to start the year off with a good review, then jump right into the following subjects:
Math, Science/Health, Language Arts, History & Geography, P.E., Bible, Art, Music, Home Ec., Sewing, Technology, and Spanish! Some are daily, others are once weekly, so we plan to balance our lessons. Friday every week should be Princess Peach's blog day, so hopefully now we're set with a new digital camera, we'll have more to update!
-Princess Peach's Mommy
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